The Friends of All Saints’ School (FOASS) is an active parent/teacher association (PTA), organised by a small committee, but in which all parents, carers, staff and governors are members and encouraged to take part.
FOASS is a registered charity whose primary mandate is to raise funds that enhance the pupils' education at All Saints' School, and specifically to assist in the provision of learning and facilities not otherwise provided by the local education authority. Funds raised by FOASS have been used to help pay for KS1 swimming, sports coaching, IT resources, the school's Mathletics licence and the upgrade of classroom facilities such as white boards and projectors. FOASS also works closely with the school leadership and governors on occasion to contribute to larger projects such as the IT suite refurbishment.
FOASS runs an annual programme of social and fundraising events with significant support from the entire school community. They include the very popular Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fayre, as well as other events for parents and pupils including an annual Quiz Night, Family Disco, Junior Disco, a bi-annual Promises Auction. FOASS events are fun and always well attended, and make a positive contribution to pupils' overall school experience at All Saints'.
The FOASS Committee is elected each September for a two-year term, and meetings are held once a month in the evenings. The Committee is always keen to hear from people who are interested in joining FOASS or from those who would like to help on an ad hoc basis.
More information is available from FOASS c/o the school office, telephone 020 8788 5196 or you can email FOASS at